We took the instructions for our Worm Composting bin from a fantastic reference The Urban Homestead
2 8 gallon tubs
1 cinderblock
Shredded junk mail
1 $5 bag of worms from the farmers market
Our snag: We followed the instructions from the book but had trouble finding worms for sale. The instructions call for 1 pound of worms, which is approximately 1000 of the buggers. I tried several nurseries and bait shops around town, but found none. One day at the farmers market we happened across a guy selling worm castings (nutrient rich worm poop). We told him how much trouble we had finding worms, and he happily sold us 50 worms in a pound of castings for 5 bucks. He told us that they if we fed them, they would multiply and eventually we would have our full pound and that they would eventually be able to keep up with our composting needs. He also said that as long as we didn’t let the worms dry out that they were pretty much bomb proof.
Now 1,000 worms can process about ½ pound of food scraps a day, however 50 worms only process about ½ an ounce of food a day. That is food scraps equivalent to the weight of 13 nickels. So when we put all of our food scraps in we totally overwhelmed our worms. None of the food was disappearing. We decided to lay off the feeding for awhile and let them catch up. When we came back in a few weeks there was mold all over the inside of the bin. Mr. C immediately drilled more vent holes in the side of the bin to help dry it out.
We were both skeptical that worms could have survived living in a mold infested bin for so long and wrote them off as a loss. We recently started looking for a new batch of 1000 worms intending to start over. About one month ago we decided to give worm composting another shot and this time we were going to do it by the book!
This morning we were cleaning out the tool shed and decided it was time to clean out the defunct worm bin. I had given up on trying to find worms locally, and was ready to order them off of the internet. We both braced ourselves for a moldy mess, and lifted off the cover of the bin to find…
Worms! Alive and well. And all of the food had been eaten! We are now feeding them again, and hope to have plenty of compost to use this fall. The plan is to start them off slow, feed them scraps once a week until we notice them disappearing, then slowly up the total to everyday.
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